About Me

McKinney, Texas
I am fortunate to live and have a business I LOVE in my hometown. My name is Charm, and I am a woman who He has blessed with family, community and am surrounded by beautiful things daily (can't get much better than that). I am new to the blogging world. Be patient with me - encourage me. Know I am excited to see your beautiful things, or hear your ideas. There are no boundaries to style or beauty - and never settle for ordinary!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I hope you will visit often and we can discuss "alternatives" to traditional decorating. Don't get me wrong, I love traditional decor. Traditional influence is reflected throughout my home. But I love to help clients and friends find "alternative" decorating ideas. It is simply a unique way to personalize your home (remember, we never settle for ordinary)!
Have you faced the challenge of covering up a perhaps not so attractive flourescent light? Check this out - can't wait to hear what you think. The reflection was bright, beautiful and the thing visitors always remember. What a compliment to your home!
Have you tried an "alternative" to a similar decorating problem? Tell me, send me a pic, don't keep secrets! If it's easier, just email: alternativefurn@aim.com


  1. Charm,
    Donna Spies sent me to your blog, and it looks like you are already following My Blog! LOL, small world. I can tell you are going to have a very interesting blog and great ideas. Can't wait to read more!!! Donna Rinn, Malakoff

  2. Thanks for adding my blog to your list. I look forward to reading your blog!

    The Architectural Antique Review

  3. Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! God bless you all. Charm
